Dr. Kristina Kähm

Lecturer in English Linguistics
Student advisor for Bachelor's Courses
Room 8013
August-Bebel-Straße 28
Tel.: +49 (0)381 498-2587
Fax: +49 (0)381 498-2594
Curriculum Vitae
Since 04/2024
Postdoctoral research assistant and lecturer in English linguistics at University of Rostock (Chair: Prof. Dr. Marion Schulte)
PhD (Dr. phil.) in English linguistics, University of Rostock; title of dissertation: “Ælfric’s Old English Admonition to a Spiritual Son: Text and Contexts” (publication in preparation)
Trainee teacher for English and Latin at a grammar school in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (‘Referendariat’)
Research assistant and lecturer in English linguistics at University of Rostock (Chair: Prof. Dr. Lucia Kornexl); assistant editor of Anglia. Journal of English Philology (from vol. 132/4 [2014])
First State Certification (‘Erstes Staatsexamen’)
Studies in English and Latin (‘Lehramt für Gymnasien’), and English Linguistics, Comparative Indo-European Studies and Baltic Studies (‘Magister’) at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Exchange student at University College Dublin, Ireland
Research Interests
- historical linguistics
- Old English language and literature
- manuscript studies, digital humanities and editing
- (Early English) language teaching
- grammars and grammar writing
Academic Activities
- dissertation award from the German Association for the Study of English (‘Deutscher Anglistikverband’) at the Anglistiktag, 16 September 2024
- Joachim-Jungius dissertation award, University of Rostock, 5 July 2024
- 2024 ESSE conference at the University of Lausanne, 26–30 August; paper: “Grammatical Metalanguage in Old English: Pedagogic Terminology in Ælfric’s Grammar”
- summer school of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) on “English(es) as a Moving Target: Exploring Online Data and Online Processing”, 22–26 July 2024
- coordination of propaedeutic course “Metaphora 2021 – Übergänge ins Universitätsleben: Einführung in ein geisteswissenschaftliches Studium an der Universität Rostock”, Faculty of Philosophy, 20–24 September 2021
- invited talk in the lecture series “Kultur im Kloster” in the Rostock Cultural History Museum: “Kultur im englischen Kloster: Ælfrics Weisung an einen geistlichen Sohn”, 25 June 2019
- paper “A Devotional Text in a Monastic Context: Function and Use of Ælfric’s Admonition to a Spiritual Son” at the workshop “Medieval Devotional Texts: Technologies Old and New”, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 07–08 March 2019
- research stay for dissertation project in various libraries and archives in London, Oxford and Worcester, September 2018 (funded by the “Fund for the Advancement of Women in Science”, University of Rostock)
- paper “Directives in Old English and Their Manifestations across Different Religious Text Types” at the 20th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL XX), University of Edinburgh, 27–31 August 2018
- scholarship to the 6th Alfried-Krupp summer school: “Handschriftenkultur des Mittelalters für Fortgeschrittene”, University Library Leipzig, 17–23 September 2017
- scholarship to masterclass with author Navid Kermani: “Vollendete Schönheit. Zur (Un-)Übersetzbarkeit von Religion und Kultur”, University of Rostock and University of Greifswald, January-May 2017
- paper “‘Gehyr þu min bearn’: Pragmatic Aspects in Ælfric’s Admonitio ad filium spiritualem”. 18. Studientag zum englischen Mittelalter (SEM XVIII), Bonn, 3–5 March 2016
- paper “Ælfrics Pseudo-Basilius? – Die Autorenfrage”. Kolloquium junger Wissenschaftler mit Mitgliedern und Mitarbeitern der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, 5–7 October 2015
- part of the organisational team of the “17. Studientag zum englischen Mittelalters (SEM XVII)”, Universtiy of Rostock, 12–14 March 2015
- paper “Lateinische und altenglische Grammatikterminologie in Ælfrics Grammatik”, Meisterklasse Mainz = Kolloquium junger Wissenschaftler mit Mitgliedern und Mitarbeitern der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 13–17 October 2014
Academic memberships
- Arbeitskreis mediävistischer NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, University of Rostock
- German Association for the Study of English (‘Deutscher Anglistikverband’) und European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
- Medievalists’ Society (‘Mediävistenverband’)
- German Classicists’ Association (‘Deutscher Altphilologenverband’, DAV)
- International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
- International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England (ISSEME)
WS 2024/25
Hauptseminar: English Linguistics in the Digital Age
Grundkurse: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SS 2024
Proseminar: Linguistics and Language Teaching
Übung: Fundamentals of Grammar
SS 2021
2 Übungen (online): Fundamentals of Grammar
SS 2020
3 Übungen (online): Fundamentals of Grammar
WS 2019/20
2 Grundkurse: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SoSe 2019
2 Übungen: Fundamentals of Grammar
WS 2018/19
2 Grundkurse: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SoSe 2018
Proseminar: Analyzing English-German Contrasts
Übung: Phonetics and Phonology
WS 2017/18
2 Grundkurse: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SoSe 2017
2 Proseminare: The Origin and Development of English
WS 2016/17
Proseminar: Shaping Old English: Ælfric and his Language
Grundkurs: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SoSe 2016
Proseminar: Contrastive Linguistics: English–German
Übung: Fundamentals of Grammar
WS 2015/16
Proseminar: Introduction to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England
Grundkurs: English Linguistics – An Introduction
SoSe 2015
2 Proseminare: English Historical Linguistics
WS 2014/15
Grundkurs: English Linguistics – An Introduction