Term Papers ('Hausarbeiten'), Style Sheets
From now on, term papers must be submitted in electronic form in addition to the printed version (in stapled form, stapled at the top left and in a transparent cover). From the current semester (winter semester 2012/13), the requirements of 2800-3200 words for preliminary study 'Proseminar' ('PS') theses and 4500-6000 words for main seminar 'Hauptseminar' ('HS') theses apply to all term papers (BA and all trainee teachers on 'Lehramt' courses). Separate regulations apply to Master's theses. Details can be found in the module descriptions.
You MUST observe the following requirements:
1. The term paper may only consist of ONE file and MUST be in one of the following formats: WORD, (MAC users) RTF, OpenOffice, PDF (especially for papers with special characters + graphics)
2. The file name MUST correspond to the following pattern:
last name-first name, PS/HS last name lecturer - short title of the seminar
z. e.g. Mustermann-Max, PS Musterfrau - Social Varieties
3. The e-mail subject MUST be worded as follows:
PS/HS last name lecturer, short title of the seminar (SS/WS ...)
z. e.g. PS Musterfrau, Social Varieties (WS 2016/17)
4. The term paper must be accompanied by the signed "Declaration on the independent writing of a term paper".
5. The term paper must be sent to the following address: iaa.hausarbeiten(at)uni-rostock.de
If the lecturer expressly requests this, please send the paper to him/her at the same time with "Cc". Use your "uni-rostock.de" e-mail address for sending (as for all university correspondence).
Attention: If you do not comply with the form described above, the e-mail will not be processed and the term paper will be considered not submitted. The term paper will not be corrected if the electronic version is not available.
Style Sheets
• Literaturwissenschaften
• Cultural Studies
• Fachdidaktik
• Englische Sprachwissenschaft