Academic Papers

At university, you are obliged to write academic papers. Certain rules must be observed and very specific formal requirements must be taken into account. Each faculty regulates its own formal requirements. However, the faculty offers you standardized format templates that you can use for your term papers and presentations.

Important: A term paper at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities must always be accompanied by a Declaration of independent writing.

Getting started: Academic Papers

Within the Studium Optimum project "Tutor Program: Learning at Eye Level" (original: TutorInnenprogramm: Lernen auf Augenhöhe), format templates for the preparation of theses and term papers were developed and adapted for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The PHF documents are in purple. The templates for Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and LaTeX as well as other helpful and study-supporting materials are available for download at The templates for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are linked directly below. Please note that you are responsible for your own work. The final check of the correctness of all formal information is always the responsibility of the user.

NOTE: The individual subject-specific requirements for term papers or theses cannot be taken into account in the templates and must be agreed with the subjects.

Word Templates:


Regulations for Academic Work

Respecting the intellectual property of others is one of the basic rules of good scientific practice that is binding for all teachers and students at the University of Rostock. The violation of these basic rules through intellectual theft (plagiarism) constitutes serious misconduct and can have serious legal consequences.

Plagiarism is defined as the unmarked or inappropriately marked adoption of another person's intellectual property, regardless of its origin (i.e. also from the Internet), into one's own work. Unauthorized use with presumption of authorship occurs when facts, arguments or specific formulations are adopted, paraphrased or translated without citing the source.

You can obtain more detailed information on the rules of correct citation and working with sources in your subject area from the lecturers and in relevant courses and modules.

The following measures apply with immediate effect to prevent plagiarism: 

  1. All students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are required to take note of the declaration on the independent writing of a term paper (*Erklärung über die selbständige Abfassung einer Hausarbeit') at the beginning of their studies and to confirm this with their signature from matriculation WS 2009/10 onwards. The declaration must be submitted to the institutes in the respective first subject.
  2. All written assignments that form the basis for a performance record must be accompanied by a declaration of independent composition of a term paper ('Erklärung über die selbständige Abfassung einer Hausarbeit') .
  3. All students are obliged to submit these written assignments, including the qualification theses provided for in the individual degree programs (Bachelor's, Master's and state examination theses), additionally in machine-readable form. The technical and organizational details (submission on data carrier [CD] together with the thesis or separate submission by email attachment, type of marking, etc.) are determined by the thesis supervisors. 
  4. All cases of plagiarism are recorded in a central list at the Examinations Office.

Please help to ensure that the rules of scientific work and good scientific practice are generally observed at faculty and university level and can be fruitfully applied by informing us in good time and behaving responsibly.