FANAM - Student Council

The FANAM is the student council for English and American studies at the university of Rostock.

How to find us:

You can just swing by during our regular meetings.

During the semester we are meeting in the "Fachschaftsräteraum" in the foyer of the Bebel Tower regularly. 
Currently, we hold our meetings on Fridays at 1:30 p.m., feel free to join us.

And we do one-on-one conversations. If you need it, we're happy to book a time for you.


FANAM wants you! 

We are always looking for students who are interested in joining our team and helping us to continue our work at the department.

Don't be shy, you won't have to jump in at the deep end right away. 

You can always come to our meeting and have a look or ask a question and then decide if it's the right thing for you. 

What we do: 

  • Stand up for students' interests in faculty departments
  • Social Media Work
  • Writing Newsletters
  • Organizing Get-togethers like Bookclubs, Partys or BBQ-events
  • Socialize and Network with students and student councils
  • Organize your student body

If you are interested, please send us a message.

We're looking forward to seeing you!

Get in contact with us!

If you have questions concerning any problems with your seminars, with your timetable, or if you just want to get information on general facts about your studies, you can always contact us via mail.

E-Mail: fachschaft.anglistik(at)

Also, you can find us on Instagram, where we regurlarly post updates and current events, and respond to questions and direct messages.
