Important Online Portals for Studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Seminar Search and Enrollment
- Zentrales Vorlesungsverzeichnis LSF ("Central Course Catalog LSF")
Here you can search for courses in general or subject-specific or for lecturers. In addition, you can search for course locations and also research the occupancy of seminar rooms.
The StudIP platform is used both for online enrolment in all courses and as a seminar portal for teaching materials (downloads of seminar readers, presentations, handouts etc.) and seminar organization (timetable, news about courses, list of participants etc.).
- Courses at the Sprachenzentrum ("Language Center")
On the pages of the Language Center you will find the complete range of foreign language courses as well as the link to the registration for the current courses.
Module Directory / Module Database
Module Directory / Module Database
In the module database, you can access all detailed module descriptions for your subject via your course (please note the correct SPSO e.g. 2017 etc.). You can also find these at under Studies -> Your degree program -> Your subject -> Study and examination regulations ... -> "correct SPSO" -> module description.
Portal for Exam Registrations
- Prüfungsportal zur Anmeldung von Modulprüfungen ("Examination portal for registering for module examinations")
You can use this portal to register for the module examinations for your subjects. Please note the registration periods as well as the special regulations for the seminar-related (oral) examinations!
Teaching and Learning Platforms
This platform can be used to upload and access materials as well as interactive learning modules for seminars.
The StudIP platform is used for online enrolment in all courses as well as a seminar portal for teaching materials (downloads of seminar readers, presentations, handouts, etc.) and seminar organization (schedule, news about courses, list of participants, etc.).
Subject Information Pages of the University Library for the Subjects of the PHF
In the course of the renewal of the University Library's websites, "subject information pages" were created for the individual subjects. Here is the link to the subject information pages for PHF subjects:
The individual subject information pages contain contacts in the library, literature tips, databases etc.
Course evaluation of the HQE
Course evaluation ("die Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation, LVE") is an important instrument for quality assurance in studies and teaching. According to the quality regulations of the University of Rostock, each lecturer is required to evaluate at least one course per academic year. This provides lecturers with comprehensive feedback from their students. The results of the course evaluation should then be discussed together in the course. This creates a space for constructive, positive and critical feedback, which is passed on to the lecturers and also to the deans of studies of the faculties for further processing.
Course evaluation is organized decentrally at the University of Rostock, i.e. each faculty is responsible for carrying out the course evaluation itself. On request, HQE supports the respective faculties with regard to general implementation, questionnaire design and the digitalization and evaluation of surveys using EvaSys. Furthermore, there is a guideline for conducting the LVE in EvaSys as well as a guideline for the general use of EvaSys.