New notice of BAföG regulations for all modularized courses of study at the PHF
From now on, proof of BAföG is provided by printing out the transcript of records from the examination portal with the signature and stamp of your responsible examination office. Proof via "Formblatt 5" (Form 5) is no longer necessary.
This regulation applies to all BA degree programmes of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and all modularized LA degree programmes that are studied entirely at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, i.e. with a combination of the following subjects: Latin, Greek, English, Spanish, French, German, History, Philosophy, Sport (modularized, from examination regulations 2012).
The following minimum scores must be demonstrated by the end of the respective semester:
Modularized teaching degree
4th semester: 78 LP
5th semester: 108 LP
6th semester: 138 LP
7th semester: 168 LP
8th semester: 198 LP
9th semester: 228 LP
Bachelor's degree
4th semester: 90 LP
5th semester: 120 LP
6th semester: 150 LP
For modularized LA degree courses in other subjects that are not offered at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 75 percent of the required credit points are required in the educational sciences and the respective degree course, including subject didactics.
For students studying according to the old study regulations, the current verification procedure via "Formblatt 5" (Form 5) continues to apply. They submit the signed form to the BAföG office as proof.