Lecturers at the IAA
M. A. Becker, Madeline - Cultural Studies
Dr. Benitt, Nora - English Didactics / Linguistics
M. A. Bolze, Hanne - British Literature / English Literary Studies
Cathrow, Lucy - Applied English
Drobek, Andrea - English Didactics
Dr. Neuber, Frederike - North American Literature and Culture
Pham Le, Ai Vinh - DFG-funded Project in Linguistics
PD Dr. Rossow, Holger - Cultural Studies
Schilling, Esther-Marie - North American Literature and Culture
Dr. Schmidt, Katja - English Didactics
MPhil (Oxon) Shay, Heather - Applied English
M. A. Spohr, Jennifer - Linguistics and Applied English
Vaughan, Gareth - Applied English
Dr. Zittlau, Andrea - North American Literature and Culture