M. A. Emre Yesilbas

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Britischen Literatur / Anglistischen Literaturwissenschaft
(bis WS 2018/19)
Curriculum Vitae
2008 – 2010
Master in British Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Media and Culture in Europe Summer School, Universität Potsdam & Bahcesehir University
2004 – 2008
Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
2014 – 2018
Doctoral Fellowship - Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. Berlin.
2008 – 2009
MA Fellowship – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)
‘Towards a Collective and Political Focus: Social Totality and Historicization in Literary Criticism’ In: Marcus Hawel (ed), Work in Progress, Work on Progress: Doktorand_innen Jahrbuch 2017, Berlin.
‘All That Man Is: David Szalay’s Polyphonic Novel on the Crises of European Manhood’ In: Sebastian Berg, Georgia Christinidis, Jessica Fischer (eds), Hard Times Magazine, Nr. 100, 2017, Berlin.
'Antisosyal Bir Kurum Olarak Aile: Toplumsal Sınıf ve Cinsiyet Rollerinin Yeni Nesillere Aktarımı' ['The Anti-social Family: The Inheritance of Class and Gender Roles'] In: Umut Güner and Yıldız Tar (eds), Kaos GL, July-August 2017 Issue, Ankara.
‘The Portrait of the Artist as Queer Immigrants: Soft G – Queer Forms Migrate’, 2017, Berlin. http://www.covenberlin.com/the-portrait-of-the-artist-as-queer-immigrants-g-soft-g-queer-forms-migrate/
‘Muktedirin Gözüyle Nefret Suçları: Azınlık Olmak ya da Olmamak’ [‘Hate Crimes as seen by the Majority: To Be the Minority or Not’], 2014, Ankara. http://www.kaosgl.com/sayfa.php?id=16254
‘Gezi Parkı Protestoları ve Onur Yürüyüşü’ [Gezi Park Protests and the LGBT Pride March], 2013, Ankara. kaosgl.org/sayfa.php; also published in: www.yesilgazete.org/blog/2013/06/30/gezi-parki-protestolari-ve-onur-yuruyusu-emre-yesilbas/ and http://www.norzartonk.org/gezi-parki-protestolari-ve-onur-yuruyusu/
‘Behind the Scenes: The Narrative Politics of A Separation (2011)’. In: Ozgur Cicek (ed), Trespassing Journal Issue 1, Spring 2012. http://trespassingjournal.com/Issue1/TPJ_I1_Yesilbas_Review.pdf
‘Günlük Yasamı Gözetim Altında Tutmak: Sansürün Fiziksel ve Psikolojik Şiddete Dönüşümü’. [Public Surveillance: From Censorship to Violence] In: Ali Erol and Bawer Cakir (eds), Kaos GL Nov.- Dec. 2009 Issue, Ankara.
‘Captured by the Imago, Castrated by the Language – A Lacanian Reading of Carter’s The Magic Toyshop’. In: Durrin Alpakin Martinez Caro and Funda Basak Baskan (eds), Angela Carter and Her Work, Ankara: METU, 2008, p. 126-30.
Conference Papers
‘Spatial Heterogeneity and Polyphonic Identities: David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Cloud Atlas’ in The American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference: Global Positioning Systems, Narrating Identity Formation, On and Off The Map, University of Toronto, April 4-7, 2013.
‘Bildung and the ‘All-seeing Eye’: A Comparative Study of the Bildungsroman and Turkish - German Cinema’ in Topographies of ‘Turkish Cinema’: Hybrids, hyphens and borders, Izmir University of Economics, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, April 21-22, 2011.
‘Gece ve Gündüz & Doğu ve Batı: Tanpınar’ın Işığında Modernleşme Sancıları’, [Night and Day & East and West: The Pain of Turkish Modernisation in Tanpinar’s Works] METU History Students Congress, 2008.