Information for Incoming Students*

Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Universität Rostock

* Incoming foreign students who are not part of the Erasmus programme should contact our International House.

A list of all seminars and lectures offered in the English language at the university can be found here.

Information on our semester dates and public holidays can be found here.

Where to get started

The University of Rostock offers help and advice for all incoming students, and this was our presentation material (Video) at our previous International Day for prospective incoming students.

We recommend that all incoming students carefully consider the demands of the course components they select (for example multiple Hauptseminar/Advanced Seminars would involve a significant workload). For advice on such matters as well as various valuable insight into general life as a student in Rostock and the realities of studying here, we advise you to make contact with FANAM, our Student Council.

To get a better idea of the Erasmus programme, you might like to consult the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) or use the Erasmus+App.

How to receive credit for your studies abroad

One of the basic rights of each exchange student is to have their courses recognised at their home university. Before leaving their home university, a student who wishes to participate in such a mobility scheme generally has to sign a “Learning Agreement” (an example of our own can be found here: – a document that describes the programme of studies they intend to take at the host university which should establish which course(s) or type(s) of courses an applicant would like to take in agreement with their home department and coordinator(s). If changes to this agreement occur (for example, if the courses offered or taken once at the host university change), these must be documented and agreed upon in a “During the Mobility” document (an example of our can be found here: At the end of the stay, the host university should prepare a document for the respective student called a “Transcript of Records” or a similar equivalent (an example of our can be found here:, which confirms the completed studies programme and the results corresponding to the “Learning Agreement” or “During the Mobility” form(s). These documents are legally binding for all parties involved (your home and host university). Should you face problems concerning recognition, you can seek the help of student organisations to have your courses validated. (Source: Erasmus Student Network [ESN]).

Credits points and the modularised course system at the Rostock University English Department
Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik)

ECTS points are allocated in accordance with the “Leistungspunkte” (credit point) system of the modularised study programme at Rostock University, with 6 credit points typically being awarded for a fully completed module.

Guest students are required to adapt their study programme and study plans at Rostock to our modularised programme so that they attend and complete all the course and course components related to a module in order to receive full accreditation for that programme. A description of the modules and the type(s) of course programme, in particular, can be found here, and you can find a list of our English department modules and their full titles at the end of this page. You will also find a list of specific courses and their descriptions under the “Kursverzeichnis des Instituts“ (Institute Course Catalogue), which are listed according to fields of study.

Guest students are free to take any modules at our institute aside from the following exceptions:

 • "Fachdidaktik Englisch I"
 • "Fachdidaktik Englisch II"
 • "Berufsvorbereitendes Lektüremodul"
 • "Vermittlungskompetenz Anglistik/Amerikanistik"
 • "Theories and Methods of British and American Transcultural Studies"
 • "Praxismodul: Forschungsorientierte Vertiefung (Zwei-Fach-Master)"

Deviations from the standard of 6 credit points (LP)
per module are only possible in
exceptional and justified cases:

Any ECTS points that are sought from incoming/guest students - regardless of existing or prior mobility agreements - should be checked and approved with all instructors in your respective seminars or lectures, etc.


Special exceptions:

Guest students who do not successfully complete or pass a module but who require a confirmation of the number of credit points on their form(s) that would be awarded for the module in the case of full completion can have both this information and their attendance included on their forms. Please visit Gareth Vaughan to discuss and settle such matters.

If guest students are not able to attend a scheduled exam for a course or require a grade, in exceptional cases they may be provided with an equivalent form of assessment to receive the required credits. Please ensure that such matters are clarified with both Gareth Vaughan and your course instructor(s) as soon as possible following your arrival.

Modules and Courses

A list of our English department modules and their full titles can be found here.

Further information can be obtained from our Modulkatalog (Module Catalogue) and Kursverzeichnis des Instituts (Course Directory).

For further information, please contact Lucy Cathrow. Kontaktaufnahme/Incoming student supervisor: incoming.mobility.iaa(at)