Emer. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Ungerer
Email: friedrich.ungerer[at]uni-rostock.de
Curriculum Vitae
Emeritus Professor (Chair of English Linguistics 1993-2003/2006)
Teaching assignments at other universities:
University of Munich: 1972-1993 and 2009/2010
also: University of Jena and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Major research areas: Cognitive linguistics, especially concept linking (new monograph 'How Grammar links Concepts' published in 2017)
Research in progress
Towards a concept-linking grammar of German While the focus of this project is on the puzzling verb-second position in German word order (and also the deviations subsumed under the label of V3 structures), the concept-linking framework (as developed in Ungerer 2017 for English) also promises new explanations for the final position of verbal elements encountered in many clause patterns, the embedding of adverbials and adverbs in verbal braces, and the placement of the informational focus on the nominal element preceding the final verb element.
Selected publications
Monographs and collections
Most recent:
- Dramatische Spannung in Shakespeares Tragödien. Diss. München 1964.
- Syntax der englischen Adverbialien, Habil.schrift. Tübingen 1988.
- An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (together with H. J. Schmid), London: Longman 1996, Japanese edition 1998, Korean edition 1998, English edition for China 2001.
- Kognitive Lexikologie und Syntax, Rostocker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 5. 1998. Editor, introduction, article: Englische Komposita und Kategorisierung (together with H-J. Schmid).
- English Media texts past and present: Amsterdam: Benjamins 2000: Editor, introduction, article: News stories and news events: a changing relationship.
- An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics, 2nd rev. ed. (together with H. J. Schmid) , London: Pearson Longman 2006, Chinese Edition 2010, Korean edition 2010.
- How Grammar links Concepts. Verb-mediated constructions, attribution, perspectivizing. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins 2017.
Grammar manuals
- Englische Grammatik heute, Stuttgart: Klett 2000 etc.
- A Grammar of Present-Day English (English version), Stuttgart 1984, most recent impr. 2009.
- Grammatik des heutigen Englisch (with G.E.H. Meier, K. Schäfer und S. Lechler). Stuttgart : Klett 1984, 20th impr. 2008.
- A Guide to Grammar new (with P. Pasch, P. Lampater und R. Hellyer Jones), Stuttgart: Klett 2004 etc.
- Learning English Grundgrammatik neu (with P. Pasch, P. Lampater und R. Hellyer-Jones), Stuttgart: Klett 2001.
- A Guide to Grammar (with P. Pasch, P. Lampater und R. Hellyer-Jones), Stuttgart: Klett 1992, 12th impr. 2006.
- Learning English Grundgrammatik (with P. Pasch, P. Lampater und R. Hellyer-Jones) Stuttgart: Klett 1989, 23th impr. 2009.
Selected articles
- Newspapers as text ensembles, in: Diller, Hans-Jürgen & Gert Stratmann (eds), English Via Various Media, Heidelberg: Winter 1999: 17-37.
- Iconicity in word-formation, in: Naenny, Max & Olga Fischer (eds), Form Miming Meaning, Amsterdam: Benjamins 1999: 307-324.
- Muted metaphors and activated metonymies in advertising, in: Antonio Barcelona (ed)., Metaphor and metonymy at the crossroads, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2000: 321-340.
- Basicness and conceptual hierarchies in foreign language learning A corpus-based study. in: Martin Pütz et al. (eds.), Applied Cognitive Linguistics II: Language Pedagogy, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 2001: 201-222.
- Arbitrariness, iconicity and motivation. in: Alan Cruse, Franz Hundsnurscher, Michael Job, Peter Rolf Lutzeier (Hg.). Lexikologie - Lexicology, Ein internationales Handbuch zur Natur und Strukur von Wörtern und Wortschätzen, Berlin: de Gruyter 2002: 371-380.
- When news stories are no longer stories. The emergence of the top-down structure in news reports in English newspapers, in: Andreas Fischer, Gunnel Tottie und Hans Martin Lehmann (hg.): Text Types and Corpora. Studies in Honour of Udo Fries. Tübingen: Narr 2002, 91-104.
- The conceptual function of derivational word-formation in English Anglia 120 (2002), 534-567.
- Ads as news stories, news stories as ads: the interaction of advertisements and editorial texts in Östman, Jan-Ola and Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen (eds.), Media Discourse – extensions, mixes, and hybrids, special issue of Text 24-3 (2004): 307-328.
- Iconic text strategies. Path, sorting & weighting, kaleidoscope. In: Tabakowska, Elzbieta, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer. Eds. Insistent Images. Iconicity in language and Literature vol. 5. Amsterdam: Benjamins 2007: 227-243.
- Derivational morphology and word-formation. In Geeraerts, Dirk & Hubert Cuyckens. The Oxford handbook of Cognitve linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007: 991-1025.