Emer. Prof. Dr. Lucia Kornexl
Email: lucia.kornexl@uni-rostock.de
Curriculum Vitae
since 2007
Professor for English Linguistics at Rostock University
Professor for English Historical Linguistics and Medieval English Literature at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald and the University of Rostock
PhD in English Linguistics and Medieval English Studies (with a commented edition of the Regularis Concordia)
Research Assistant and Lecturer in English Linguistics and Medieval English Studies at the Institute of English Philology, University of Munich (Chair: Prof. Helmut Gneuss)
Secondary school teacher, teaching English, Social Studies and History at Ignaz-Taschner-Gymnasium Dachau
Second State Certification (“Zweites Staatsexamen”)
Teachers’ Training (“Referendariat”) at Albrecht-Altdorfer-Gymnasium Regensburg and Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium Landshut
M.A. in English Linguistics and Medieval English Literature, Political Science, Early Modern and Modern History
First State Certification (“Erstes Staatsexamen”) in English, Social Sciences and History
Studies in English, German, History and Social Sciences at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Exeter University (1979: Testamur in English Language and Literature)
Major research areas
- Historical lexicology and word-formation
- Glossography, grammar writing and language teaching in medieval England
Academic memberships
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- Early English Text Society (EETS)
- International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE)
- International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS)
Editorial activities
- Co-editor of Anglia. Journal of English Philology (from vol. 122 [2004]); (also [here])
- Co-editor of Anglia Book Series/Buchreihe der Anglia (ANGB) (2004ff.)
Monographs and edited collections
[with Ursula Lenker]: Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts, Buchreihe der Anglia/Anglia Book Series, 67, (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2019).
[with Birte Bös]: Changing Genre Conventions in Historical English News Discourse, Advances in English Historical Sociolinguistics, 5 (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2015).
[with Hans Sauer]: Medieval English Texts: Source Studies and New Editions, Anglia, 128/1 (2010).
[section editor with Andrea Sand]: “Section V: Englishes in Contact”, in Anglistentag 2007, Münster: Proceedings, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier: WVT, 2008), 277-381.
[with Ursula Lenker]: Bookmarks from the Past. Studies in Early English Language and Literature in Honour of Helmut Gneuss, Münchener Universitätsschriften. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie, 30 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2003).
Die Regularis Concordia und ihre altenglische Interlinearversion. Mit Einleitung und Kommentar, Münchener Universitäts-Schriften. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie, 17 (München: Fink, 1993).
“What can we learn from constructed speech errors? Mrs Malaprop revisited”, in Norms and Conventions in the History of English, ed. Birte Bös and Claudia Claridge, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 347 (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 2019), 99-128.
“Qwerby knowyst …? – Tracing the Origin of ‘Signs’ in Late Middle English Grammatical Texts”, in Teaching and Learning in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honour of Gernot R. Wieland, ed. Greti Dinkova-Bruun and Tristan Major, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, 11 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017), 61-79.
“Old English: Standardization”, in English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook. Volume 1, ed. Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton, Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) 34.1, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2012), 373-385.
“And sey me þis in clerycall manere!” The Elementary Latin Classroom in Late Medieval England as a Communicative Space”, in: Variation, Contact, and Change: Papers in Honour of Ursula Schaefer, ed. Claudia Lange, Beatrix Weber and Göran Wolf (Frankfurt a.M. 2012: Lang) 147-164.
[with Dirk Schultze]: “History and Change”, in: English and American Studies: Theory and Practice, ed. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf (Stuttgart: Metzler: 2012), 395-412.
[with Ursula Lenker]: “Culinary and Other Pairs: Lexical Borrowing and Conceptual Differentiation in Early English Food Terminology”, in More than Words: English Lexicography and Lexicology Past and Present. Essays Presented to Hans Sauer on the Occasion of this 65th Birthday – Part I, ed. Renate Bauer and Ulrike Krischke (Frankfurt a.M. etc.: Lang, 2011), 181-206.
“Geschlechterdifferenz und ihre sprachliche Markierung: Zur historischen Entwicklung der personalen Wortbildung im Englischen”, in Geschlechterdifferenz – und kein Ende? Sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Genderforschung, hg. Hella Ehlers, Heike Kahlert, Gabriele Linke, Dorit, Raffel, Beate Rudlof und Heike Trappe, Gender-Diskussion 8 (Berlin: LIT, 2009), 79-96.
[with Andrea Sand]: “Englishes in Contact: Introduction”, in Anglistentag 2007, Münster: Proceedings, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier: WVT, 2008), 279-282.
“Topics in Old English Dialects”, in A Companion to the History of the English Language, ed. Haruko Momma and Michael Matto (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008), 172-179.
“Women and other ‘small things’: ‑ette as a feminine marker”, in English Historical Linguistics 2006. Volume II: Lexical and Semantic Change. Selected papers from the Fourteenth International Conference on English Historical linguistics (ICEHL 14), Bergamo, 21-25 August 2006) ed. Richard Dury, Maurizio Gotti and Marina Dossena (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2008), 241-257.
“Zur Rolle der Morphologie in den zweisprachigen Wörterbüchern des Spätmittelenglischen”, in Beiträge zur Morphologie: Germanisch, Baltisch, Ostseefinnisch, hg. Hans Fix, NOWELE Supplement 23 (Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2007), 173-191.
“Female Husbands in Old English Lexicography“, in Language and Text. Current Perspectives on English and Germanic Historical Linguistics and Philology, ed. Andrew James Johnston, Ferdinand von Mengden and Stefan Thim (Heidelberg: Winter, 2006), 169-178.
“For Englisch was it neuere”: Grammatical Metalanguage in Medieval England”, in Anglistentag 2004 Aachen: Proceedings, ed. Lilo Moessner and Christa M. Schmidt (Trier: WVT, 2005), 77-87.
“From Ælfric to John of Cornwall: Evidence for Vernacular Grammar Teaching in Pre- and Post-Conquest England”, in Bookmarks from the Past. Studies in Early English Language and Literature in Honour of Helmut Gneuss, ed. Lucia Kornexl and Ursula Lenker (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2003), 229-249.
“Die etymologischen Erklärungsansätze für die Bildungen auf ae. -estre: Eine kritische Analyse”, NOWELE. North Western European Language Evolution, 42 (2003), 69-98.
“From gold-gifa to chimney sweep? Morphological (un-)markedness of Modern English agent nouns in a diachronic perspective”, in English Historical Syntax and Morphology. Selected Papers from 11 ICEHL, Santiago de Compostela, 7-11 September 2000, ed. Teresa Fanego, María José López-Couso and Javier Pérez-Guerra, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 223 (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2002), 111-129.
“Sprache der Glossen – Glossensprache? Das Spezialvokabular altenglischer Interlinearversionen aus lexikologischer und lexikographischer Sicht”, in Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen.Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. bis 4. August 1999, hg. Rolf Bergmann, Elvira Glaser und Claudine Moulin-Fankhänel (Heidelberg: Winter, 2001), 109-135.
“‘Unnatural words’? – Loan-formations in Old English glosses”, in Language Contact in the History of English, ed. Dieter Kastovsky and Arthur Mettinger, Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 1 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2001), 195-216.
“‘Concordes ęquali consuetudinis usu’ – Monastische Normierungsbestrebungen und sprachliche Standardisierung in spätaltenglischer Zeit”, in Prozesse der Normbildung und Normveränderung im mittelalterlichen Europa, hg. Doris Ruhe und Karl-Heinz Spieß (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2000), 237-273.
“Regularis Concordia”, in The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, ed. Michael Lapidge, John Blair, Simon Keynes and Donald Scragg (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999), 389.
“Wulf and Eadwacer”, in Lexikon des Mittelalters, IX (München, 1998), cols. 345-346.
“Benedictine Reform” and “Regularis Concordia”, in Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, ed. Paul E. Szarmach, M. Teresa Tavormina and Joel T. Rosenthal (New York/London: Garland, 1998), 119-120 and 631.
“Nomina agentis und die sog. agentiven Nullableitungen im Englischen: eine semantisch-kognitive Neubewertung”, in Kognitive Lexikologie und Syntax, ed.. Friedrich Ungerer, Rostocker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 5 (1998), 49-75.
“Ahd. gifatero/ae. gefædera und ihr ‘paradoxes Femininum’”, Historische Sprachforschung/Historical Linguistics, 111 (1998), 305-346.
“Ein benediktinischer Funktionsträger und sein Name: Linguistische Überlegungen rund um den circa”, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch, 31 (1996), 39-60.
“The Regularis Concordia and its Old English gloss”, Anglo-Saxon England, 24 (1995), 95-130.