America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee
DGfA | 69th Annual Meeting | 1-3 June 2023
Registration for the meeting is supported by ConfTool, a conference management application. In order to register you will have to create an account with ConfTool. To do so, please click here. You will receive a confirmation e-mail immediately after you have completed your registration.
You have the following options for registration:
Members of the DGfA:
Participants who are part-time and/or precariously employed:
- Early Bird: 40€
- Regular: 50€
Participants who are full-time employed and/or professors:
- Early Bird: 75€
- Regular: 95€
Early bird fees will be available until 1st May 2023.
Non-DGfA Members:
Non-members may register for the conference on site and pay the conference fee in cash.
- Regular fee: 100€
- Students: 45€
There is also a one-day-only rate: 40€ / 20€ for students.
Additional booking options:
- Boat Trip to Warnemünde 20€
- Conference Dinner 0€